
Close up of two people in business attire shaking hands

Working with Florida Personal Injury Attorneys on a Contingency Fee Basis

When an individual has been injured it is sometimes necessary to consult with personal injury attorneys. Whether a person has been involved in an auto accident, a slip and fall incident, or the victim of medical malpractice, obtaining a fair settlement will require the expertise of a skilled attorney. Often, if the individual is unable …

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Thought Leader Series: The Long-Lasting Psychological Impact of Accidents

When you hear the phrase “post-traumatic stress disorder” you probably think of soldiers returning home from war-torn nations. Alternatively, you might think of people who have suffered in a terrorist incident or a massive natural disaster of some kind. You probably don’t think of a minor car accident injury when you hear the words “post-traumatic …

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Man lying on floor in a hospital hallway after a fall.

Should a Florida Slip and Fall Accident in a Hospital Be Filed as a Malpractice Case?

Slip and fall accidents are not uncommon in hospitals and may include patients who are hospitalized or visitors at the hospital. The question arises whether these cases are medical malpractice or slips and falls, and who would be responsible for the injury? An accident injury lawyer in Boca Raton, West Palm Beach or Fort Lauderdale …

Should a Florida Slip and Fall Accident in a Hospital Be Filed as a Malpractice Case? Read More »

Three surgeons performing a surgery

What Are the Major Causes of a Florida Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

Medical malpractice is common in the United States and encompasses different healthcare areas. Women are affected eight percent more than men, and almost as many outpatients experienced medical malpractice as those who were hospital patients in 2014. Although there are many causes for medical malpractice, the following are some major areas where negligence can occur. …

What Are the Major Causes of a Florida Medical Malpractice Lawsuit? Read More »

A middle-aged man and woman talking with a young man on the street after being rear-ended in a car accident caused by the young man

How Does Comparative and Contributory Negligence Impact a Florida Personal Injury Claim?

In a personal injury lawsuit, the terms comparative and contributory negligence may be used. This happens when an accident is not the fault of just one individual but shared by others. Understanding how shared negligence impacts a personal injury lawsuit is important. Florida personal injury attorneys in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach …

How Does Comparative and Contributory Negligence Impact a Florida Personal Injury Claim? Read More »

Attorney working alone in office

Statute of Limitations: Why Working with a Qualified Florida Accident Injury Lawyer Matters

When an individual has been injured there is a time limit in which the person can make a legal claim and collect damages. This time limit is referred to as the statute of limitations. The following information describes what a statute of limitations is, how long these time limits normally are, and the importance of …

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