
personal injury law firm

Why a Personal Injury Law Firm Can Help in the Discovery Phase of a Florida Car Accident

The discovery phase of any lawsuit is important for several reasons. It is the time when each party in the lawsuit takes the time to gather evidence, testimony, information, and documents from a variety of sources. Without a proper attorney or legal team assisting with the discovery phase of a case, many items can be …

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car accident injury case

How You Can Help Car Accident Attorneys with Your Florida Personal Injury Case

Going through a personal injury case can be stressful, even though auto accident attorneys have it well in hand. However, there are ways a client can be proactive and help car accident lawyers with your injury case by taking certain steps. Call an Attorney Right Away One mistake accident victims can make is not contacting …

How You Can Help Car Accident Attorneys with Your Florida Personal Injury Case Read More »

Man in hospital bed next to male doctor

If I Sign a Medical Consent Form in Florida, Can I Still File a Lawsuit?

In personal injury cases, medical records can be a major component. When an individual is injured, they typically seek medical attention. During this process, the hospital or treatment center will keep track of all treatment and medical bills associated with the injury. In Florida, a medical consent form must be signed to get medical treatment. …

If I Sign a Medical Consent Form in Florida, Can I Still File a Lawsuit? Read More »

Need accident injury lawyer

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Why You Need a Florida Accident Injury Lawyer

After an individual suffers an injury as a result of an accident, unforeseen complications may occur that extend the healing process. One of these is complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Although rare, this complication can make it difficult for an injured person to get his or her life back on track. When an individual suffers …

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Why You Need a Florida Accident Injury Lawyer Read More »

Close up of someone about to step on a banana peel

Common Slip and Fall Accidents

If you suffer a slip and fall accident on someone’s property, it may feel like it’s your fault. “I should’ve been paying more attention to that!” you might say, and thus fail to consider anyone else’s responsibility while you’re in the midst of your embarrassment and pain. That thought process is natural, and you’re certainly …

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Woman at pharmacy counter

Florida Medical Malpractice Lawyer Warns of Prescription Drug Errors

Prescription drug errors are a common source of medical malpractice and can occur anywhere in the chain, from the pharmacist to the dispensing nurse. Because a patient is usually a layman, without any particular knowledge of medications, he or she cannot be expected to know when prescribed medication is wrong and can suffer serious consequences …

Florida Medical Malpractice Lawyer Warns of Prescription Drug Errors Read More »