Florida drivers may know that liability insurance coverage limits in the state are low compared to many other states. In addition, about 24 percent of drivers in the state are uninsured or underinsured. This combination makes Florida one of the riskiest states to have a car accident.
Liability Coverage in Florida
If you live in the state of Florida more than 90 days a year and register your vehicle in the state, you must have Florida coverage. This means you need to have personal injury protection and property damage liability insurance. The insurance must be from an insurance company licensed in Florida for this purpose.
Personal injury protection covers medical costs and lost wages up to your policy limits. Under PIP, your child, household members and anyone in the vehicle at the time of the accident who did not own a vehicle in Florida are covered. The minimum amount of coverage is $10,000. Property damage liability covers the damages that you or a covered driver causes to another’s property. The limit for PDL coverage is also $10,000. Bodily injury liability covers others for death or serious injury in an accident you caused. This is not required in Florida.
Underinsured and Uninsured Drivers in Florida
Florida has the highest number of uninsured motorists in the United States except for Oklahoma. Having uninsured motorist protection is important when a negligent driver causes injury beyond that which your PIP coverage allows. Damages such as financial expenses for future medical care and intangible costs such as pain and suffering, including physical and mental limitations that lead to lack of life enjoyment are not available to an injured individual. Without uninsured motorist protection, having an accident could be financially catastrophic. For this reason, insurance companies in Florida must offer this coverage. However, it is not required that you take it.
Low Liability and Uninsured Motorists
When Florida’s low liability requirements and the number of uninsured motorists in the state are taken together, having an accident in Florida is very risky. Since Florida drivers are not required to have uninsured motorist insurance, having an accident with a motorist who is not insured leaves the driver without medical care beyond their own policy, which may be minimal. In addition, unless the injured individual has collision coverage, the chances of having their vehicle repaired or replaced is unlikely.
Florida’s Rank as the Riskiest State for an Accident
Florida ranks 51 compared to all states in terms of risk if an accident occurs, according to a study by WalletHub. Some states have higher liability coverage and higher or lower numbers of uninsured drivers. However, the amount of coverage that is required was not shown to correspond to the number of uninsured drivers. Although Oklahoma has a greater number of uninsured drivers, its liability insurance is higher, making it slightly less risky than Florida. Having uninsured motorist coverage in Florida is a good idea.
When an accident happens due to the negligence of another driver who may be uninsured, the option of receiving payment from his or her insurance company is eliminated. In such cases, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit against the driver.
Contacting the law firm of Kaiser Romanello by calling for a free consultation at 844-877-8679 can help you deal with the after effects of a car accident. Protecting your rights is crucial and an experienced advocate who is ready to fight for you is available now. The law firm will be able to contact your insurance company on your behalf, answer insurance adjuster questions and make sure evidence is preserved, helping you obtain the compensation you need and deserve. Don’t wait, contact the Kaiser Romanello law firm today.