Aviation Accidents

As airlines expand their routes and fleet sizes, increasing numbers of passengers are taking to the skies to commute for business and leisure travel. Various federal and state regulatory agencies like the Federal Aviation Agency and Department of Transportation govern flight schedules, pricing, and airplane safety inspections. However, the airline industry is a business, and as such, airlines often place profits and sales over customer safety and comfort. While aviation accidents are rare, they are growing increasingly common due to airlines cutting corners on safety regulations, increased traffic in the skies, weather-related issues, and civil conflict in various countries. Aviation accidents can happen at the airport, on the tarmac, mid-flight, and during take-off and landing.

Airlines, security personnel like TSA, and airports are responsible for maintaining the safety of airline passengers. This includes properly inspecting planes, adequately screening passengers, fixing faulty equipment, and following protocol. Aviation accidents involve complex legal and jurisdictional issues that require a skilled personal injury attorney who specializes in airline liability. Kaiser Romanello has almost 20 combined years of experience assisting clients in the South Florida region with seeking compensation from big businesses, including major airlines and airports. The skilled aviation accident lawyers at Kaiser Romanello can review your case, investigate the incident, discuss your potential claims, assist you with exploring your legal options, estimate potential damages, and advise you on your best course of action. Kaiser Romanello provides free consultations to prospective airline accident victims throughout the state of Florida, including Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. To schedule an appointment at our Parkland, Florida law firm, contact Kaiser Romanello today.


Large airports like Miami International, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International, Palm Beach International, and Southwest Florida International Airports service hundreds of thousands of passengers each day who are arriving at, departing from, and connecting through the airport. Under premises liability theory, airports are responsible for maintaining safe conditions for passengers. This includes maintaining the airport and remedying dangerous defects or conditions within a reasonable amount of time. Common accidents that occur at airports include:

  • Slip and falls
  • Criminal assault due to inadequate security and protection
  • Elevator and escalator accidents
  • Falling luggage or debris

If you sustain an injury at the airport because the airport has failed to fix a problem that it knew or should have known about, you may have legal recourse if the injury was foreseeable.


Most plane injuries are the fault of the airlines. Dozens of major commercial airlines service Florida’s various airports on a daily basis, along with charter airlines and private jets. The FAA and DOT prescribe very strict rules and regulations that airlines are mandated to follow. If they fail to follow the regulations, they may be civilly liable for negligence to victims, in addition to any fines assessed by federal or state agencies. Common airline accidents include:

  • Poorly secured luggage that falls on passengers during turbulence
  • Malfunctioning or faulty equipment that was not properly inspected or repaired
  • Poor response to in-flight or tarmac emergencies such as a failure to seek timely medical care
  • Pilot error or negligence that leads to collisions and other issues
  • Criminal assault by flight attendants or pilots against passengers

Airlines are vicariously liable for the actions of their employees when the employees are (1) working a shift and (2) performing their work duties. Therefore, if a flight attendant loses his temper and assault a passenger or if a pilot falls asleep while flying the plane, the airline will be vicariously liable and can be included as a defendant in a civil law suit. The employee’s misconduct must be foreseeable to the airline for vicarious liability to attach. Thus, for example, if the employee secretly plans and then carries out a plan to intentionally crash a plane in a suicide mission, the airline will not be liable for injuries and deaths.

In addition, airlines are responsible for maintaining and repairing the planes so that they are safe to fly. This involves keeping the planes up to code, conducting full evaluations and inspections, conducting all necessary repairs prior to flying, and providing safety equipment in the event of an emergency. If the airline fails to maintain or repair the plane according to safety regulations, the airline will be liable for resulting injuries.


Similar to product liability, airplane manufacturers are responsible for building planes according to federal and state standards. If the plane is built incorrectly or if the equipment malfunctions, the manufacturer may be liable for its role in any ensuing injuries. Manufacturers are often sued alongside airlines when an accident is caused by an equipment malfunction.


Airports, airlines, and plane manufacturers tend to have access to infinite resources, large insurance policies, and teams of legal experts, which intimidates many victims from pursuing personal injury claims. Kaiser Romanello has the experience, skills, and training to fight large corporations in pursuit of just compensation for clients. To schedule a free consultation to discuss your potential aviation accident claims, contact Kaiser Romanello now.