practice areas

elder abuse claims

Elder Abuse Claims

There are currently 50 million people aged 65 and older, and as the Baby Boomer Generation continues to age, this figure will grow exponentially over the next few years. As individuals age, they encounter a host of health issues. Many of these health issues necessitate the need for hospice, nurse or nursing home care. A …

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Drunk Driving Accidents

Despite the occurrence of drunk driving decreasing nationwide in recent years, drunk driving accidents remains a threat to Florida drivers. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), in the most recent year there were nearly 700 drunk driving fatalities. MADD also reports that there were over 26,000 driving under the influence (DUI) convictions in the …

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dog bites

Dog Bites

  As dog ownership rates increase in Florida, the number of irresponsible individuals purchasing pets also increases. Dogs require training, guidance, and obedience education. However, many lazy owners refuse to properly train their dogs and fail to take any remedial steps when the dog begins to show signs of aggression or violence. Most dog attacks …

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cruise ship accidents

Cruise Ship Accidents

The cruise ship industry makes almost $40 billion in profits each year, half of which is attributed to United States tourists. Annually, over 14 million vacationers take to the high seas in the U.S. Many of the country’s high traffic ports and harbors are located in the state of Florida. Florida services all major cruise …

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construction accidents

Construction Accidents

The construction industry is one of the most dangerous and deadliest fields for laborers. 10% of all construction workers are injured on-the-job each year. In fact, each construction worker has a 0.5% chance of dying due to a work-related accident. 20% of all workplace deaths occur on construction websites, and construction accidents are a leading …

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome, also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is an unfortunate but common lingering side effect of an injury following an accident. Complex regional pain syndrome results in extreme and unbearable pain for the victim, often times grossly disproportionate to the pain caused by the original injury. This pain can be prolonged and …

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Common Car Accident Injuries

Each year, millions of car accidents occur throughout the United States, resulting in 2.35 million injuries and 37,000 deaths. These car accidents cost Americans $230.6 billion each year in medical expenses. Exorbitant medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy filing in the state of Florida. Despite state and federal laws requiring all Florida residents …

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Child Injury

Children are especially vulnerable to unexpected accidents because they have not yet developed the experience, skills, and caution levels of adults. An innocent childhood adventure can suddenly turn into a catastrophic injury. Because children are smaller and more fragile than adults, they are more susceptible to severe injuries and even death. An unforeseen injury to …

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Catastrophic Injuries

Every day, thousands of personal injury accidents occur in the state of Florida that leave victims and their families saddled with astronomical medical debt, lost wages, and immense pain and suffering. These accidents are sudden, unexpected, traumatic, and most often caused by another’s negligence. When a negligent individual causes an accident, that individual is responsible …

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