Pompano Beach Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Pompano Beach offers many great places to ride a motorcycle due to its pleasant weather and scenic coastal roads. Sometimes, despite the best efforts of the motorcycle rider, a motorcycle accident occurs due to the negligent conduct of other drivers. In this case, a motorcyclist may have a personal injury claim.

Motorcycle operators and their passengers are at particular risk for serious injuries and death resulting from crashes, especially in accidents involving other vehicles.

The experienced Pompano Beach motorcycle accident lawyers at Kaiser Romanello are skilled at investigating motorcycle crashes to gather evidence to establish liability. We have seen hundreds of motorcycle accidents and have the experience to ensure you are fairly represented in a personal injury or wrongful death claim resulting from a motorcycle accident.

Our Pompano Beach office serves clients throughout South Florida, including Boca Raton and West Palm Beach. Call us today at (844) 877-8679.

Why Choose Kaiser Romanello for Your Pompano Beach Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Hiring a local lawyer for your motorcycle accident claim in Pompano Beach, Florida, can offer advantages—knowledge, experience, and connections within the local legal system. This can enhance your chances of achieving a favorable outcome in your case.

The legal team at Kaiser Romanello P.A. is experienced in handling Pompano Beach motorcycle accident claims involving catastrophic injuries or wrongful death.

Our main office is in Broward County, serving Pompano Beach and South Florida. Our attorneys are accessible to you throughout the litigation process and well-versed in the specific laws and regulations related to motorcycle accidents in Florida. We understand how these laws can affect your case.

There is no cost or obligation to talk to one of our personal injury attorneys. Contact us today for a free consultation and evaluation of your case.

Our Pompano Beach Office Location and Headquarters

Kaiser Romanello P.A. is located at 11555 Heron Bay Boulevard in Broward County, Florida, approximately 23 miles north of Miami and 42 miles south of Palm Beach. You can call us at (844) 877-8679 to meet with one of our personal injury attorneys to discuss your claim.

Pompano Beach Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) records accident statistics on its Florida Crash Dashboard. The most recent report tallied 276,492 crashes in the state, which accounted for 2,331 deaths and 176,029 injuries. Broward County reported 28,249 crashes with 135 fatalities and 17,264 injuries. There were 9,253 motorcycle crashes statewide, with 604 motorcycle fatalities. Broward County accounted for 535 of those crashes and 26 fatalities.

Nationwide, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 6,084 motorcycle crash fatalities in one recent year. This is the highest number of motorcycle crash deaths in a single year since NHTSA began collecting fatal motor vehicle crash data in 1975. These stats also mark a 21 percent increase over the last few years. Motorcycle deaths accounted for 14 percent of all motor vehicle crash deaths.

Hazards for Motorcycle Riders in Florida

Motorcyclists in Florida face certain hazardous traffic situations.

Here are some of the most dangerous situations for motorcyclists in the state:

  • Left-Turning Vehicles: One of the most common and hazardous situations for motorcyclists is when a car or truck makes a left turn in front of them. Drivers often fail to see or misjudge the speed of an approaching motorcycle, leading to collisions.
  • Lane Changes: Sudden lane changes by other vehicles, especially without using turn signals, can endanger motorcyclists in the driver’s blind spot.
  • Intersection Accidents: Intersections are high-risk areas for all motorists, especially motorcyclists. Collisions often occur when vehicles run red lights, fail to yield the right of way, or disregard stop signs.
  • Riding in the Rain: Florida experiences frequent rain, and wet road conditions can reduce traction for motorcycles. Slippery roads increase the risk of accidents, especially when other drivers refuse to adjust their speed and follow distances accordingly.
  • Riding in Heavy Traffic: Cars and trucks may not see motorcycles in stop-and-go traffic or may crowd them, increasing the risk of rear-end collisions.
  • Distracted Drivers: Inattentive drivers are less likely to notice motorcycles, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Riding at Night: Reduced visibility at night can make it more challenging for motorcyclists and other drivers and increase the chances of a severe accident.

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

In motorcycle accidents in Florida, several common injuries are often seen due to the inherent vulnerability of motorcyclists.

These injuries can include:

  • Road Rash: When motorcyclists slide across the road during an accident, they can suffer abrasions and friction burns, known as road rash. This injury can vary in severity, with more severe cases requiring skin grafts.
  • Fractures and Broken Bones: Motorcyclists are at risk of simple and compound fractures and broken bones, especially in the extremities (arms, legs) and the collarbone.
  • Head Injuries: Head injuries are a significant concern in motorcycle accidents, even when wearing a helmet. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can cause severe, life-altering injuries.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Damage to the spinal cord can result in paralysis or other neurological deficits. Spinal injuries can have long-term consequences for a rider’s mobility and quality of life.
  • Internal Injuries: Motorcycle accidents can lead to internal injuries, including organ damage, internal bleeding, and to the abdomen or chest. These hidden injuries require prompt medical attention.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Soft tissue injuries like sprains, strains, and contusions can occur in motorcycle accidents, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Disfigurement: Severe accidents can result in disfigurement, including facial injuries and scarring, which can have lasting psychological and emotional effects.
  • Limb Amputations: In catastrophic accidents, limb amputations may occur, leading to permanent disability and significant lifestyle changes.
  • Burns: Motorcycle accidents involving fire or contact with hot surfaces can cause burns, which may require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Wrongful death: Wrongful death refers to a legal claim or lawsuit that the personal representative of an estate may file when an individual loses their life due to another party’s negligence, recklessness, or wrongful actions.

If you or someone you know is in a motorcycle accident in Florida, seek immediate medical attention, even if injuries appear minor. Additionally, a personal injury attorney experienced in motorcycle accident cases can protect your rights and pursue compensation for damages.

Why Should I Hire a Pompano Beach Motorcycle Accident Attorney?

In motorcycle accident cases, consult an attorney as soon as possible to preserve evidence and meet legal deadlines. By hiring a local lawyer in Pompano Beach, you can benefit from their experience and local knowledge to pursue a successful outcome for your claim.

A local lawyer is well-versed in Florida’s motorcycle accident laws and regulations, enabling them to navigate the legal complexities of your case effectively. They can leverage local resources, such as accident reconstruction specialists, to gather evidence and build a strong case on your behalf.

Being nearby means you can quickly meet with your lawyer to discuss your case, provide evidence, and receive updates on the progress of your claim. You’ll receive personalized attention and guidance throughout the claims process, addressing your unique circumstances and needs.

Your lawyer can negotiate with insurance companies and opposing parties to seek a fair settlement on your behalf. They will work diligently to ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your medical bills, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Your lawyer will advocate for your rights and interests, ensuring you don’t make statements or agreements that may harm your case.

If necessary, your lawyer can represent you in court. Having experience in Pompano Beach’s local court system, they can effectively file court documents, handle legal procedures, and negotiate with opposing parties. Our local lawyers will know the attitudes and perspectives of jurors in Pompano Beach, allowing us to tailor their case strategy to resonate with local audiences.

Having our local lawyers handle your case lets you focus on your recovery while knowing that a legal professional is working to secure the compensation you deserve.

Who May You Hold Liable for a Motorcycle Accident?

In a Pompano Beach motorcycle accident, liability may extend to various parties depending on the specific circumstances of the accident.

Here are the parties you could hold liable:

  • Other Drivers: The most common scenario is when another motorist’s negligence or reckless behavior causes the accident. This could include distracted driving, speeding, failing to yield the right of way, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Government Entities: If a hazardous road condition, inadequate signage, or poor road maintenance contributed to the accident, you could hold the government agency responsible for that road’s upkeep liable.
  • Vehicle Manufacturers: If a defective motorcycle part or design flaw contributed to the accident, you could hold the manufacturer responsible for injuries and damages.
  • Repair Shops: If negligent repairs or maintenance work on the motorcycle played a role in the accident, you could hold the repair shop or mechanic liable.
  • Employers: If a driver crashes into a motorcycle rider while on the clock and performing their work responsibilities, the motorcyclist can hold the driver’s employer liable for the accident.
  • Product Manufacturers: In cases where a defective product other than the motorcycle contributed to the accident (e.g., faulty helmets or protective gear), you could hold the manufacturer liable.
  • Third Parties: Liability can extend to other third parties whose actions or negligence played a role in the accident. For example, establishments that over-serve alcohol to someone who crashed into a motorcyclist may face liability under dram shop laws.

Determining liability in a motorcycle accident case requires carefully analyzing the facts, evidence, and applicable laws. Work with a personal injury attorney in Pompano Beach, Florida, with experience in motorcycle accident claims.

Our lawyers can thoroughly investigate the accident, identify responsible parties, and help you pursue compensation for your injuries and damages.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Case in Pompano Beach?

Florida’s statute of limitations for a personal injury or wrongful death claim is typically two years. If you don’t file your claim within the required timeframe, you may lose your right to seek compensation. Your lawyer will advise you about the statute of limitations as it applies to your claim.

How Much Does a Pompano Beach Motorcycle Accident Attorney Cost?

Kaiser Romanello works with clients on a contingency fee basis, so fees depend on the case’s successful outcome. Contingency fee arrangements level the playing field, making it possible for individuals to obtain fair compensation from a big insurance company and its team of lawyers.

You pay no upfront costs. You only pay us if we obtain a favorable settlement or win the case in court. Contingency fee arrangements align the attorney’s interests with the client’s by incentivizing the attorney to secure the best possible outcome, tying their fee to the case’s success.

Contact Kaiser Romanello Today

Contact the experienced team of Pompano Beach personal injury lawyers at Kaiser Romanello if you suffered a severe personal injury because of a motorcycle accident or if a loved one was killed in a motorcycle crash.

We have more than 20 years of experience and know what to look for in establishing liability for your motorcycle accident claim. We are familiar with Florida law as it applies to these cases and will negotiate to secure fair compensation for your losses.

Put our legal team to work for you and stop worrying about the future. Kaiser Romanello P.A. offers a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with our lawyers to evaluate your potential claim. Call us today at (844) 877-8679 to set up a free consultation, or fill out the contact form on our website.